Saturday, August 1, 2009


Being a working mom often leaves me feeling like Shannon, as well as I, are missing out on many of the mommy/daughter events and activities that non- working moms get to do. I am fortunate that my town has a working moms group.  Everyone is a working mom which makes it easy for us to relate to one another and allow events to take place on weekends and after work sometimes.  Today was a simple meet up in the park with a McDonald's lunch after. She was in her glory at the park.  We mostly visit the park on on corner so this new place was a special treat.  I kind of hesitated to go to lunch since Shannon is very particular about what she eats (I wonder if she got that from me? hmmm?). However, I figured I'd just go for it and hope for the best! Well, what do you know, it worked out! It was her first time trying nuggets and fries, and of course, like most kids, she loved it. The "dipping" in ketchup was so cute to watch. She was so serious, as she is about most things, and didn't pay much attention to the playland part until after the meal had been consumed!

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