Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tot Lot

There are so many things you didn't know before you had kids. Now a days there are playgrounds and tot lots, who knew! Tot Lots are smaller scaled playgroup equipment for toddlers who are too small to climb and slide on the big kid pieces. Today was kind of chilly and being inside all day was driving me crazy so thought we check out a tot lot just a short drive across town. It turn out to be a good experience for Shannon. She didn't quite get it all, we've mostly gone on the swings at our park but she eventually started climbing and trying things out. She loved this little bridge that had and enjoyed a snack while some big kids played on the big swings. There was a regular playground connected and I took her down the giant slide with me. As you can see, she wanted to climb up it (as all kids do) but she didn't get very far. 

Monday, June 29, 2009

Playin' With the Big Kids

Shannon is just starting to notice other kids while she plays. Right now she still pretty much plays on her own, some call it parallel play, but I do see signs that she is interested in what other kids are doing sometimes.  On this day we visited cousins, Caleb, Sarina, and Aunt Sandi and had a fun day just hanging out. Caleb is 2 years old and Sarina just turned 5 and will be going to Kindergarten in the fall.  Playing with other kids' toys is always a new adventure and today was no different. 

The kids had a fun cart that comes with food and dishes. This was Shannon's favorite thing. She pushed it up the street, down the street, and all over the driveway. Pushing things is one of her favorite things to do these days!  She was not as interested in the Cozy Coupe car. I think that will be coming soon when she has learned how to move riding toys with her feet.

Shannon tried using chalk for the first time, that lasted about 30 seconds, and she enjoyed it while Sarina took her for a ride in the push car. Aunt Sandi fixed lunch and Shannon had a blast playing and drawing with the push-up ice cream treat.... she wouldn't eat it so I just let her play with it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pool Time!

Summer has arrived in full swing!  This week the temperatures have been in the high 80's and low 90's with lots if humidity. What a perfect time to get wet! James and Courtney invited us over to play in James' pool.  This was Shannon's first experience in a pool and she loved it. It was fun to watch her get her footing and react when water splashed. With the sun so hot that day I dressed her in the suit with sleeves and a hat to protect her from the sun. So far, she tolerates it all. Im sure she will eventually fight me on the hat thing. After outside play we ate lunch and the kids continued to play until naps were needed.  Such a nice "first" experience. Thank you Courtney and James!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

It was a year ago today that we christened Shannon! Time just seems to fly.  I will always associate Father's Day with that special event!  This  year was much more low key. We spent the day with Todd's family and Shannon got to wish daddy, Uncle Greg, and Uncle Paul a Happy Father's Day!  You would have thought it was HER day though. She had lots of attention from Christy as they played and read books. Uncle Greg hung outside checking out grandma's backyard and Grandma Jan made chocolate pudding that Shannon obviously loved!

Shannon's gift to Daddy was a bike helmet for riding in the bike trailer. Riding is one of Todd's favorite activities and sharing that with Shannon will be loads of fun!  I too have become interested in bike riding since knowing Todd so we also look forward to riding as a family. We are lucky to have a bike/walking path just down the street from us that takes us easily to neighboring towns.