Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Farm

Today we visited the "you have to go so you can take pictures" Pumpkin Farm!  It was a crisp, sunny, fall day, just perfect for the outing.  Shannon's godmother, Aunt Wendy, works there during this busy fall season.  She was so nice to get us in for free AND discounts on food, etc. Obviously, we would have gone even if she didn't work there, but it was much more fun that she did!  We arrived as she was getting off work, so Aunt Wendy hung out with us for a while.

As you can see, Shannon loved the pumpkins.  She is quite the inquisitive explorer and couldn't touch and bang on enough of them!

On our way home we went to Grandma Jan's house and Shannon spent the night there for the 1st time!  Grandma loved it.  Shannon got to use her daddy's old high chair. Grandma had kept it clean and stored away. When she knew Shannon was coming, she cleaned it up better than new! 

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