Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hanging Out

"Auntie" Lisa and Greg came for a visit today.  Lisa is a work friend of mine who loves children.  She has a niece Megan (3) and nephew Matthew (16 months) and we enjoy sharing pictures and stories with each other about the kids. She and I have become good friends and and share lots of life experiences with each other.  

I've been told that around this time (maybe closer to 9 months) babies will start to have stranger anxiety.  Well.... we'll have to see about that because so far Shannon shows no signs of anxiety about anyone or anything.  Todd and I are actually surprised and pleased that she interacts so well with everyone.  But, a small part of us wishes she found a little more comfort in mommy and daddy!  We would like to be her favorites (especially me!). 

Lisa and Greg were so nice to play and watch Shannon show off all her favorite things to do.  Shannon easily went to each of them and enjoyed their new games (new to Shannon) and interactions.  She loved Greg's hat as you can see!

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