Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy

This year Todd's birthday was just a little more special since it was his first birthday celebrating with Shannon as a first time Dad!  Todd's mom had us over for dinner and served chicken tetrazzini and the best chocolate eclair cake in the world. My mother in law is such a good cook, meals at her house are delightful. I should really take some lessons from her.

Although it was Todd's day, Shannon (of course) got some fun Halloween treats from Grandma Jan.  She loves grandma's carpeted floor and even tried to lick it the first time she explored it! 

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family Visit

It had been a while since we visited with my parents so we headed over there for the day.  Back in September we gave my mom and dad a webcam for their birthdays so we could call them and they could see Shannon on the computer! Todd set it all up and we had fun trying it out.  It's fun to be able to have them enjoy moments with us in real time!

Uncle Mike came over with his girlfriend.  It's so cute to see him play with Shannon. When she was first born I think he was a little leery of holding her.  Now he is an old pro and I look forward to the day they can do things like ride bikes and hang out together.  

Grandma and Grandpa gave Shannon some Halloween surprises.  It was a nice day to just hang out, talk, and relax. We celebrated daddy's birthday with a nice dinner and chocolate cake for dessert. 

8 Months Old

October 26, 2008
As every parent I'm sure feels the same way, it's hard to believe another month has passed and Shannon is now 8 months old!  The time is passing so quickly, far more quickly than I ever imagined.  Shannon's personality is really starting to show.  Just like her dad, she has a great sense of humor.  I wonder how babies develop that? To them everything is so new, it's interesting to see what makes them laugh.

stands up next to furniture
loves bouncing in her exersaucer
waves bye-bye (it's some kind of hand motion)
give kisses (well gives open mouth wet slops)
loves walks outside and at the mall (yeah...a girl who loves shopping!)
meeting new people
responds to your smiles and laughter

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hanging Out

"Auntie" Lisa and Greg came for a visit today.  Lisa is a work friend of mine who loves children.  She has a niece Megan (3) and nephew Matthew (16 months) and we enjoy sharing pictures and stories with each other about the kids. She and I have become good friends and and share lots of life experiences with each other.  

I've been told that around this time (maybe closer to 9 months) babies will start to have stranger anxiety.  Well.... we'll have to see about that because so far Shannon shows no signs of anxiety about anyone or anything.  Todd and I are actually surprised and pleased that she interacts so well with everyone.  But, a small part of us wishes she found a little more comfort in mommy and daddy!  We would like to be her favorites (especially me!). 

Lisa and Greg were so nice to play and watch Shannon show off all her favorite things to do.  Shannon easily went to each of them and enjoyed their new games (new to Shannon) and interactions.  She loved Greg's hat as you can see!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Farm

Today we visited the "you have to go so you can take pictures" Pumpkin Farm!  It was a crisp, sunny, fall day, just perfect for the outing.  Shannon's godmother, Aunt Wendy, works there during this busy fall season.  She was so nice to get us in for free AND discounts on food, etc. Obviously, we would have gone even if she didn't work there, but it was much more fun that she did!  We arrived as she was getting off work, so Aunt Wendy hung out with us for a while.

As you can see, Shannon loved the pumpkins.  She is quite the inquisitive explorer and couldn't touch and bang on enough of them!

On our way home we went to Grandma Jan's house and Shannon spent the night there for the 1st time!  Grandma loved it.  Shannon got to use her daddy's old high chair. Grandma had kept it clean and stored away. When she knew Shannon was coming, she cleaned it up better than new! 

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Good Friends

Shannon and I both enjoyed the day with friends!  My friend Courtney teaches with me and she has a son, James, who is about 4 months older than Shannon.  They also attend day care together.  Lisa use to teach with us as well, but now stays home with her 18 month old daughter Blythe.  Lisa is also expecting again in February!

The kids played, somewhat interacting with each other.  Shannon napped (one of her favorite things to do) while James and Blythe enjoyed lunch. We ordered pizza and hung out. It was nice to all be together.  It's amazing how all our lives have changed in just a few short years.  I miss all of us working together but look forward to continued friendships between the children as well as us women.

Courtney and Lisa are such helpful resources for me!  I have referred to each of them MANY times for advice!