Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th

Growing up I was lucky that our town had an annual 4th of July parade just down the street and fireworks a block away.  In our own neighborhood, we have the same thing! Just a 1/2 block walk away are the fireworks. This year Grandma Marilyn, Aunt Wendy, and Uncle Greg joined us for the festivities. 
We walked around the fest, danced to music, and then hung back at the house until the fireworks were ready to start. Aunt Wendy bought Shannon a cute eating set, including a cup, plate, and placemat with a matching butterfly pattern. 

Surprisingly Shannon seemed awake and able to stay up for the 10pm fireworks show. As I carried her to the park, she rested on my shoulder. Just as the fireworks were about to begin, she fell asleep! And.... as the last bomb was being set off.... she woke up and said "boom"!   It was adorable of course!

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