Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Julie and I have known each other since 1986, that's 23 years!  We met in college when we lived next door to each other in the dorms and have stayed in touch all these years.  We have been in each other's weddings and have shared some life long memories.  Julie is a great friend that makes it so easy for you to be friends with her.  I have never felt competition between us and she has always taken in interest in what is happening to me, my family, and my life.  Throughout the years we have visited each other in our home towns (she is from Galesburg). This summer her son Peyton, who is now 11, was in town for a baseball tournament.  They are a big baseball family, Julie's husband has played his whole life and now coaches a college team.  

I drove to meet them at their hotel and of course we had to take a group shot. Julie's daughter Jillian was loving hanging out with Shannon. It was so fun for us to see our kids, 13 years apart, interact with one another!  Julie, her mom, Jillian, Shannon and I went out to dinner and we spent the entire night talking!  I really miss not being able to see her all the time- wish we lived closer. Julie really hasn't changed a bit, I Iove it!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Thomas the Train is becoming a favorite, both on and off  TV!   On this particular Sunday Shannon and I took a ride to a nearby "shopping town". I was in the mood for checking out their french market, the day was beautiful, so we set out.  By accident we stumbled upon a giant street fair and a THOMAS store!  I have to admit it was quite a sight. An entire 1/2 of the store had anything and everything you could think of that has Thomas on it.... trains, lunch boxes, toys, everything!  Shannon was in her glory playing with all giant set up with all the "character" trains, rails and bridges! Hmmm....... sounds like a great gift for grandparents to purchase! Ha!

I am amazed at her ability to name and recognize so many of the trains.... to me they all look the same!  As a first time parent I continue to be in awe of how kids are really like sponges, taking in all of the sights, sounds, words, and learning opportunities each and every day. We look forward to watching Shannon's interests change and grow throughout the years!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hot Day

I'm guessing everyone doesn't head out on one of the hottest days of the summer, but we did!  It was OK as long as all kept hydrated and moving!  We met our friends Tim, Joanna, Sean and Katie at the zoo.  The kids had a great time. Sean is such a caretaker and was always holding Shannon's hand and helping her (and his sister Katie).  We cooled off in our regular indoor cafe and enjoyed lunch.  I thought maybe Shannon (as I am always hoping) would take interest in what Katie and Sean were eating but no such luck.  Trying to get a picture of all 3 of them was comical, so this one is the best of bunch.  Spending time with the M family is always a nice event. We all get along well and enjoy each other's company!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Car

We are not beyond garbage picking in our house, especially when it is close to new condition!  Todd found this today on his lunch break.  He brought it home, we cleaned it up, and it was ready to go!  Shannon loved it! She immediately open and closed the door, climbed inside, pushed it, put things in it and beeped the horn. She did not, however, ride in it!   We don't think she got the concept that you can sit it in and make it go.  Riding on toys does not appear to be her forte. She has a ride on car and doesn't care for it much. Once she figures out what it does and how much fun it is, I'm guessing she'll be on her way!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lunch Date

Every girl loves the mall! Well, at least learns to love the mall.  On this beautiful summer day we met a good friend of mine, Deb, at the mall for lunch.  Deb chose her favorite cafe at an outdoor mall.  I was excited to go for lunch since I had only eaten here once before.  I ordered pizza for Shannon off the children's menu and it would have been enough to feed all 3 of us!  We enjoyed lunch and then headed out to the mall to walk around and get a Starbucks cold drink. We sat outside and looked at pics while Shannon played with a balloon and enjoyed her freedom outside the stroller.  She hasn't quite learned that she has to stay close to mommy so we took turns  corralling her as needed!  Thanks Deb- let's do it again soon! 

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Music Truck

Most people know this childhood  favorite as an "ice cream truck", but in our house we call it the "music truck".  One day I got the idea to call it the "music truck" so that every time it came Shannon would get excited about the music instead of the ice cream!  She loves music so it the idea made sense.  Most days we only get to hear the truck as it travels around our neighborhood 10x a day!  But sometimes, like today, we did get to actually see it.... and I had my camera with me.  Shannon was in awe of this well loved sight!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Lake

This summer has been such a rewarding time for me to be able to hang out and watch Shannon change and grow.  It's amazing what a difference a year makes at this age. Last summer she was still an infant! At 17 months so many activities and events continue to be "firsts" and I am loving every minute. 

My friend Lisa invited us up to her parents lake house and we (I) graciously accepted!  Shannon had never been to a lake and I wasn't sure how she would respond to it all. Much to my surprise she loved it!  She cautiously, yet willingly, stepped into the water and never looked back!   Megan and Matthew, Lisa's niece and nephew, are old pros at this. Shannon seemed to take their lead, yet my independent little one did enough to keep herself busy and enjoy the water!  Later we had lunch by the beach, ate a delicious dinner Lisa's mom cooked, and went for a nice walk around the lakefront. Thanks Lisa- we had a great day and glad to share another great "first" with you!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Small Moment

As I upload pictures, plan posts, and write, I often find myself stuck on what to post and write about.  Often thinking that it needs to be about a big or special event. Then I saw this and realized a post can be just a moment in time, maybe just between you and your daughter that may not be important to anyone else,  that you want to remember!  This plastic spoon got stuck under Shannon's foot and she couldn't figure out what was happening!? It was so cute! She kept trying to walk to get it off, yet seemed to enjoy the fact that it was there and was very interested in how it remained under her foot despite the fact that she was walking and trying to shake it off. I had to take a picture and remember this small moment forever!  Who doesn't love baby toes?

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Dip It"

This week I introduced cheese and crackers to my picky little eater!  She love the novelty of dipping crackers in cheese, so I gave her the whole tub and let her have at it! 

Dora Couch!

So, yesterday Todd went to Toys R Us to pick up a picnic table for Shannon. My cousin had one I really liked so I looked online, called around, and the only TRU that had it (it was being discontinued) was near Todd's work. He is usually great about running errands and picking up things we need and doesn't usually stray from "the list" or from the task at hand. However, TRU sucked him in this time and he caved and purchased a Dora couch for Shannon. He was worried I wouldn't like it and before bringing it into the house, clearly explained he would return it if I wanted him too. At first I wasn't sure, but as soon as Shannon saw it she loved it, hugged it and spent every second on it. I knew we had to keep it!

As you can see she likes to sit and look at books or just relax.  It is a special spot just for her. 
It opens up to a small bed and has a zipper to remove the blanket on top. Thanks Daddy, I love it!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pool Time!

With the warn weather we've been having, it has been great to hang out in the yard and play in the pools, yes I said poolS. Doesn't every child need 2? She actually received them as b-day gifts- we spoil her but not that much!  Splashing, jumping, filling buckets, and trying to eat the plastic  butterflies keep her interested and occupied for long periods of time! Shannon's attention spam is like that of a gnat, so this is quite a milestone for her (or is it for me!?) to be able to stay interested in one activity.  The 2nd picture is a favorite!! It's hard to get pics of her looking at the camera, let alone smiling and centered!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


During the school year my friend Lisa and I take turns buying Starbucks for one another. I'm not a coffee drinker and she really isn't too much either so we have our favorite frappichinos, lattes, and ciders that we order randomly throughout the year. When summer comes I often get a Startbucks craving because we aren't around each other as much. On this particular day I had a craving and had an idea. 

Shannon has recently learned to sip from a straw and I thought it would be fun to get her a smoothie. Well, it was KIND OF a good idea - the kid's size ended up being very large and the lid didn't stay on so easily and Shannon kept wanting to take the lid off. So, live and learn!  Next time I'll put it in her own cup or not try to continue driving trying to enjoy a double chocolate chip frappachino.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lunch with the Ladies

Today we headed out to meet "Aunt" Lisa for lunch.   Lisa and I work together and have become great friends.  Lisa is great with kids and enjoys spending time with us! I was please that they had outdoor seating available AND... that is was enclosed! With our seats off to the side Shannon was able to explore and play without bothering any customers and giving us some time to visit and relax.  Since Shannon is still pretty picky as far as her eating habits go (I wonder who she go that from?), I brought along a lunch of avocado and applesauce for her. 

Shannon got a kick out of reading the menu and sitting with Aunt Lisa. It was beautiful day to spend outside.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th

Growing up I was lucky that our town had an annual 4th of July parade just down the street and fireworks a block away.  In our own neighborhood, we have the same thing! Just a 1/2 block walk away are the fireworks. This year Grandma Marilyn, Aunt Wendy, and Uncle Greg joined us for the festivities. 
We walked around the fest, danced to music, and then hung back at the house until the fireworks were ready to start. Aunt Wendy bought Shannon a cute eating set, including a cup, plate, and placemat with a matching butterfly pattern. 

Surprisingly Shannon seemed awake and able to stay up for the 10pm fireworks show. As I carried her to the park, she rested on my shoulder. Just as the fireworks were about to begin, she fell asleep! And.... as the last bomb was being set off.... she woke up and said "boom"!   It was adorable of course!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Last year Shannon was only about 5 months old when we took her to the zoo and too small to really know what anything was. This year is much different. She is much more aware and can recognize animals, which until this point she has only seen in books.  She can also say some of the animals sounds when we ask her what a pig, dog, cat, cow, rooster, horse, frog, and duck says. She can also tell you that an alligator goes "snap". I taught her that after reading a story with an alligator in it. She remembered it and it's one of her favorites to say!

This time at the zoo she had Dippin' Dots ice cream for the first time. She was very leery to try it, but did after we finally convinced it was really ice cream!  The giraffes are also a favorite. Having gone to the zoo so many times, when we tell her we're going she says "gaffe"! How cute is that!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Grandpa walked with Sandra, Caleb, Sarina, Shannon, Aunt Anita, and myself to the parade 4 blocks away. At first none of the kids liked the sirens (there were an awful lot, I'd say 20 trucks maybe) so they sat in their strollers. Sarina had a ton of fun trying to catch candy being thrown and passed out from the floats!

At first Shannon was holding me and turing away from the fireworks when they started. Then as I (and everyone else) made a big deal how special and pretty they were she calmed down and snuggled into grandma and grandpa with her eyes glued to them, no longer afraid!