Wednesday, November 26, 2008

9 Months Old

Here we are, another month gone by.  Shannon is 9 months old today.  She has become much more interested in the world around her, almost too interested! She has always been a curious baby but it seems as though the world has now opened up to her.  The crosses in our living room just fascinate her.  At first I thought maybe someone who has passed was talking her to her through it. We believe my Grandma Monaco has visited us since she has passed away in 2004. Over the last 4 years there have been a few unexplainable happenings to my mom, Anita, and myself. Maybe great grandma is talking to Shannon!! 

She is now 28 1/4" tall (falling into the 75%ile) and weighs 17lbs 6oz. (35th%ile). So... she continues to be tall and skinny!  She is now pulling herself up on furniture and anything she can get her hands on. She loves to be in motion and clap and we think she is saying "hi" and "daddy" if you listen closely (sometimes).  Dogs are fast becoming a favorite.  In the last few weeks she has visited Uncle Mike's dog Max, Aunt Wendy's  and Uncle Greg's dog Skeeter, and Aunt Lisa's and Uncle Paul's dog Dori.  

Shannon hasn't been quite ready for table food yet.  We've tried some chunkier baby foods and some mashed and cut up table foods and she gags on them to the point where I am not comfortable watching her do that.  I have to admit I am a little disappointed as I was looking forward to her eating while we did, but also remind myself that she is only 9 months old and there is no reason to rush all these things. Until then, I will cherish these moments when she still needs us! 

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