Sunday, June 15, 2008

Big Day

Sunday June 15th was a special day for both Shannon and Todd. Todd celebrated his very first Father's Day on the same day Shannon was baptized!  We had gone back and forth about where to baptize her..... our current parish church, the church I grew up in, or Todd's childhood church.  We decided on his church to make the event more nostalgic..... Todd was baptized as well as attended mass and CCD there as a child.  Tradition was also part of the day- Shannon wore the same christening gown that I, my brother, and 2 cousins had worn. 

They usually only allow 4 babies to be baptized at one time, so we were a bit apprehenisve when we found out there would be 7 that day!  However, the priest was so good at keeping it moving while also making it special for each family. He commented that he thinks we "set a record" with having 7 babies and not one cried the whole time. At one point Shannon whimpered and I thought "oh great.... we'll have the cryer", but that was it from her! When the priest poured the water over her head she gave this sweet little smile, it was adorable......kind of like a sneaky smile, and we haven't seen her duplicate it yet!  Uncle Mike (my brother) and Aunt Wendy (our sister in law) were her proud godparents. 

We celebrated with family and friends back at Grandma Jan's house.  Grandma Jan, Aunt Lisa, and Aunt Wendy  were amazing that day! They did all the "running" in and out, getting things, etc.  Thank you SO much- we SO appreciate you. Aunt Wendy made the cake- she kept the decorating a surprise and revealed the most beautiful cake I had ever seen..... I could see the love in it!

As Todd and I drove home that night, we reflected on how lucky we are to have such a supportive, involved family to make Shannon feel so loved and special!  I know she can feel the love from everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shannon looks beautiful (as always) - sorry I didn't make it, but it sounds like all went very well.