Hello family and friends! Now that Shannon has reached the 3 month mark, we thought we'd give her her own blog! She does have a lot of interesting things happening in her life like sleeping, pooping, and playing!
All kidding aside, my good friend, Courtney, has a blog for her 6 month old son and has done a wonderful job of documenting his growth and first milestones. I figured it would be a great way for us to share her with family and friends who don't get to see her often........ and of course, especially for her grandmas and grandpa! Also, for myself, I look forward to preserving those small moments in her life and to be able to look back on them and enjoy......
We don't want to be "in your face" with this, so you can bookmark her site and check for new posts as you wish. There will also be a place for comments at the end of each post. Hopefully I can stay somewhat organized and post regularly. You should also be able to click on the photos to view them in a larger size.
As Shannon's Godmother, I can't wait to see all the updates and changes that she will be making in the coming years. Blog & a blackberry what else can a girl need!!
Look forward to watching Shannon and her blog grow! I think this is a great idea!
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