Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Our baby is not a baby anymore, she is an almost 15 month old toddler.  She has become this person that we know like no one else with likes, dislikes, a personality, and sense of humor. I love the innocence and the amazement in her eyes when she experiences something new.  I love it even more when she recalls and makes a connection to something from the past.  She knows family members when we speak of them or see them and can say most of their names.  She recalls names of some friends as well and some people's pets like, "Susan dogs" and "maggie" our neighbors' dogs!  She is enthralled with books that have pictures of everyday things - she isn't as interested in "sitting" for stories quite as much. 

She loves to dance, especially to her favorite song "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys and has recently taken to dancing "with" something such as her Annie doll or even a toy! That credit goes to daddy for playing music and keeping her interested. He loves music too so I'm guessing it is genetics as well!

She has started a slow transition from 2 to 1 nap. Here she is (I actually think this pic was taken in June) falling asleep during lunch because she wasn't tired for a morning nap, yet couldn't quite make it to the afternoon. 

She loves being outside and literally running around- she tires us out. Adam is teaching her to throw the ball but she seems to like "keep away" or "chase me" better. But when you chase her she says "ike it, ike it", meaning "I don't like it". 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Colin is One!

The year I was pregnant with Shannon there were 7 other teachers, yes 8 total, who were pregnant that same year. I think it was in the water!  

My friend Gwen had Colin just 8 weeks after Shannon and it has been fun to watch the kiddies grow.  Colin attended Shannon's bday and Gwen and Eric cordially invited us to Colin's party as well. This Shannon's 2nd "first birthday" party. 

Colin enjoyed the traditional smash cake and loved every minute of it. Too bad Shannon's bday didn't come first - she could have observed how fun it is to eat cake! Although she likes it now she wanted nothing to do with cake on her bday! Too funny. 

As you can see she enjoyed the "bags" game with the Cubs logo. Hmmm.... that's an idea, we have bags as well!