Monday, June 30, 2008

4 Month Checkup

Today was another milestone for Shannon.  She went to the pediatrician for her 4 month check-up. Four months, I can't believe she is that old already!  The doctor said she is growing just fine and looks great!  She weighed 13 lbs. 5 oz. and is now 24 3/4 in. long. Todd and I, as well as other people, thought she seemed long for her age, but the doctor said she was within average range. The doctor gave us the go ahead to start her on solid foods. Our little baby is growing up so fast! 

She is always very smiley for the do
ctor and nurse. My heart broke as she was smiling at the nurse right before she poked Shannon 4 separate times for her routine shots ..... she was crying so hard, like I have never seen her cry before. But as soon as the nurse was done I picked her and she calmed down fairly well.  Lately, I can see she is realizing more about who Todd and I are to her 
and is more comforted by us as well as becoming much more snuggly!  

Apparently there is a national shortage on one of her immunizations, so instead of sticking her 5x at the appt. we will return in 3-4 weeks to get the one she missed today as well as another one that is usually given as a "double" to avoid and extra prick. 

Last time for the 2 month check up I stepped out of the room while Todd stayed with her. He was taking care of a house project tha
t day, so this time I had to step up and be the mommy all by myself!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Next Day.....zzzzzzz

We have been lucky so far that Shannon has become such a good sleeper, considering the first 8 weeks of her life she was hardly sleeping at all.  We know that this will one day most likely change, but for now we are savoring the extra sleep we get, as we are both big sleepers ourselves!

Most mornings she sleeps until between 8:00- 8:30am. The day after her "big day" this is what she looked like at 8:30am. We let her sleep in until 9:00am that day instead! 

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Big Day

Sunday June 15th was a special day for both Shannon and Todd. Todd celebrated his very first Father's Day on the same day Shannon was baptized!  We had gone back and forth about where to baptize her..... our current parish church, the church I grew up in, or Todd's childhood church.  We decided on his church to make the event more nostalgic..... Todd was baptized as well as attended mass and CCD there as a child.  Tradition was also part of the day- Shannon wore the same christening gown that I, my brother, and 2 cousins had worn. 

They usually only allow 4 babies to be baptized at one time, so we were a bit apprehenisve when we found out there would be 7 that day!  However, the priest was so good at keeping it moving while also making it special for each family. He commented that he thinks we "set a record" with having 7 babies and not one cried the whole time. At one point Shannon whimpered and I thought "oh great.... we'll have the cryer", but that was it from her! When the priest poured the water over her head she gave this sweet little smile, it was adorable......kind of like a sneaky smile, and we haven't seen her duplicate it yet!  Uncle Mike (my brother) and Aunt Wendy (our sister in law) were her proud godparents. 

We celebrated with family and friends back at Grandma Jan's house.  Grandma Jan, Aunt Lisa, and Aunt Wendy  were amazing that day! They did all the "running" in and out, getting things, etc.  Thank you SO much- we SO appreciate you. Aunt Wendy made the cake- she kept the decorating a surprise and revealed the most beautiful cake I had ever seen..... I could see the love in it!

As Todd and I drove home that night, we reflected on how lucky we are to have such a supportive, involved family to make Shannon feel so loved and special!  I know she can feel the love from everyone!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Daddy's Girl!

Shannon sure fits the saying "daddy's little girl".  She "talks" and "coos" most often when her dad is talking and smiling at her.

Sometimes she tends to get very upset when bath time is over, at least that's what Todd and I have figured. We can't tell if she is sad the bath is over, or doesn't like being dried off??  Moments before this picture was taken she was crying quite heavily and to distract her Todd started singing "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles and dancing like a goof.  She stopped crying and started laughing hysterically. Singing has now become part of the bath time ritual whether or not crying is involved. 

She is also mesmerized when Todd plays the guitar and sings "Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles (although I don't have a picture of that).  She seems to love music just like him! Our new (well actually my) new favorite CD's are lullabyes written by famous musicians.  So far we have The Beatles and the Eagles. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tummy Fun Time

Shannon has grown to like playing more on her tummy.  She is interested in grabbing objects as long as they are placed very close so she can get at them! Obviously she will continue to learn how to get what she wants when she wants it as she builds her skills. This toy is one of her favorites because she can get her fingers around it and hold on with 2 hands while still being able to chew on the parts.  My good friend Lisa bought this as part of a shower gift because it was one of the first toys her daughter Blythe could hold- thanks Lisa!

In the background is a blue ball with holes in it. It was a gift from my college friend Pam.  Shannon loves to hold the ball and stick her tongue through the holes. It's hard to get a picture of that!